Establish Loyalty With The Right Promos

According to research firm Mintel, 29.2 million Americans have posted a food or drink picture at a restaurant in the past month. A full 14% of these folks have posted a positive comment on a restaurant’s social media page in the same period. But despite all the rave reviews, only 17% of those polled were influenced by a positive review to eat at a certain establishment, possibly due to the right promos.

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Topics: Marketing

When To Give Raises – and What To Do If You Can’t

It's hard to know when to give raises to employees. Words of thanks go a long way, but monetary rewards and gifts go even further in retaining valued employees. While most restaurant and café owners can’t afford to give out annual raises (except perhaps irregularly, based on the merit of an exceptional employee), paying an above-market wage can actually save you money.

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Topics: Staff Management

How Can You Keep Customers Coming Back?

As restaurants across the country experience the slight uptick in business that comes with Daylight Savings time, it’s worth considering what will keep customers coming back to a particular establishment. According to ongoing industry research by market-research firm Mintel:

  • Cleanliness is paramount to 96% of restaurant goers
  • Menu selection and variety are most important to 94% of folks,
  • Comfortable seating is the most important component of a visit-worthy atmosphere for 91% of those surveyed.
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Topics: Marketing

How Do You Compete With Starbucks?

Peter Baskerville is a retail coffee expert who has opened more than 20 coffeehouses.Though he hails from Australia, his advice on how to compete with Starbucks and other big chains applies in the U.S.

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Topics: Training, Marketing

Savvy Marketing with QR Codes

QR codes are popping up everywhere, and people are intrigued. They’re on direct-mail pieces, promotional posters, business cards and billboards—and as alluring as website URLs and Facebook-page promos were when they first came on the scene.

But what is a QR code, and why should you care? These 2-D barcodes can be scanned by a smart-phone camera to transfer data. They might direct the viewer to a website, make a phone call, or deliver a vCard or coupon. They can also provide photos, reviews, directions, and event dates and times. (Here’s a great video on QR codes that brilliantly explains their functionality.)

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Topics: Marketing

Slow Times Call for Higher Quality, Better Focus in Specialty Coffee

Even in challenging economic times, there can be positive outcomes and opportunities. All of us in business for ourselves can use some housecleaning once in a while, and this is a good time to look over inventory, sales numbers and cost structure. For coffee shop owners, this means looking over the menu, making sure you are actually selling the items on it, and maximizing every menu item.

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Topics: Training, Staff Management

Iced Tea—Easy, Refreshing and Profitable!

As the weather warms, we see a huge increase in the number of cold beverages that cafes are selling. One of these beverages, iced tea, is often overlooked.

Iced tea is both easy to make and extremely profitable.

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Topics: Marketing, Recipes, Teas & Chai, Iced Drinks