Achieve Your Green Restaurant Goals, Part 1: Perform an Energy Audit

Restaurants are some of the most energy-intensive businesses around, using five to seven times more energy per square foot than most other commercial buildings—and producing huge piles of garbage. Yet when looking for ways to cut costs, even owners who see the value in “green restaurant” status often focus on staffing or food-related costs—and ignore energy consumption.

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Topics: Staff Management

Perfect Espresso Should Not Be a Shot in the Dark

Pouring the perfect shot of espresso is within every barista's reach. Beyond the basics of pulling a shot, they need to know how to evaluate its appearance, smell and taste.

So, what does it take to make a great espresso? 

The right brew time, for starters. Let's assume you already know how to evaluate and adjust your grind and how to tamp it in the portafilter. If you've got those parameters in line, your espresso should take between 20 and 25 seconds to brew.

While brewing, the stream of espresso should resemble thick, warm honey. The finished shot should be golden and have a crema thickness of about 1/4" to 1/3".

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Topics: Training

Body Language Should Be Part of Your Customer Service Training

Body language speaks louder than words.

Have you ever walked into a room and decided whether to talk to a person based on the way they acted or looked? Were they involved in a lively discussion, or were they on the periphery of the room with their arms crossed? Did they make eye contact with you, or completely avoid it?

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Topics: Training, Marketing

Managing Your Coffee Shop Business Costs

Unfixed coffee shop business costs and waste that go unchecked can spiral out of control—and set it up for failure. When was the last time you reviewed your costs and potential waste channels?

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Topics: Training

How Good Is Your Customer Service?

Take a walk in your customers’ shoes to find out if your customer service needs improvement.

Be honest—when was the last time you met and chatted with one of your customers? If your answer is, “not lately,” you’re in the majority. But you’re also at risk of not knowing what customers experience when they frequent your café or restaurant—and not knowing what needs improvement will likely lead to a loss of business.

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Topics: Training, Staff Management

The Importance of Milk in Espresso Based Drinks—and The Science Behind It

At Intermix Beverage and at countless coffee shops across the country, particular attention is paid to the quality and flavor of the coffee that goes into our lattes, cappuccinos and other espresso drinks. But the milk in espresso based drinks is an equally vital component.

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Topics: Coffee & Espresso

Airpot Selection and Maintenance

As ubiquitous as they are, airpots can confound coffee shop and restaurant staff. Whether you're trying to select the right one or properly care for the one you have, this guide to using and maintaining the most common airpot designs will set you on the right path.

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Topics: Coffee & Espresso